MokshMarg Prakashak - potential blueprint

Here is the chart sourced from and depicting the various topics that were planned to be covered in MokshMarg Prakashak  (मोक्षमार्ग  प्रकाशक). It gives a very nice view of various terms that we come across while reading/learning and also puts them in the right context. Some of the highlights in the chart include
1) Reference to the three definitions of Samyak-Darshan
2) Under Samyak-Gyan, mention of Anekant-vaad, Syadvaad, the 4 Anuyogs as well as Praman & Nay. Further under Paroksh-Gyan, reference to Smrati, Pratya-bhi gyan, Tark, Anumaan and Agam.
3) The 12 vrats under Samyak-Charit which include the 5 Anu-vrats. 3 Gun-vrats and 4 Shiksha-vrats. These vrats should be adhered to by Jain-Shravaks
4) Under Shubh-Upyog, it covers the 28 mulguns that Jain Munis adhere to. These 28 mulguns include 5 Maha-vrats, 5 Samitis, 5 Indriya-vijay, 6 avashyaks and 7 shesh-guns.


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