Shrut Gyan and Jain Acharya Lineage
In this post, I wish to document the lineage of Gyan from Mahaveer to some of the more recent Acharyas, and how the Gyan available in JinVani/Shastra/Granth from prominent Acharyas trace back to the Gyan imbibed from Mahaveer's DivyaDhwani.
Most of the text below is copied with little modification from This encyclopedia reference had good information which also matches the document available on this 2017 Shrut-Panchami pravachan by Pt. Sumat prakashji at This wiki page also includes the names of various Acharya, albeit with a different time-reference -
Jain Vangmaya (literature) is in the form of Dwadshang or twelve Angas or Organs (parts). Presently available four Anuyogas of Digambar Jain tradition are only a small portion of this Dwadshang.
When Teerthankar Bhagwan is seated in Samavsharan after becoming Omniscient (Kevalgyani), His Divyadhwani is produced. The Chief Disciple or Gandhar Swami understands and co-ordinates it in the form of Dwadshang in own mind and then passes it to others vocally.
- The Three Kevalis (केवली)
- The day (Kartik Krishna Amavasya) when Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami got liberated, his chief disciple Gautam Gandhar got enlightenment (Kevalgyan) the same evening. Kevali Bhagwan Gautam Swami (गौतम स्वामी ) lived for 12 years.
- The day on which Gautam Swami got liberated, the second Gandhar of Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami - Shri Sudharmacharya (सुधर्माचार्य ) attained Omniscience (Kevalgyan). He also lived for 12 years.
- On the day of Sudharmacharya's salvation, Jambuswami (जम्बूस्वामी) attained Omniscience; he lived for 38 years. Thus after Bhagwan Mahaveer, Anubaddha (serially linked without any gap of time) Kevalis remained for 12+12+38=62 years.
- The Five Shrut-Kevalis (श्रुत केवली): After that, 5 Shrutkevalis occurred in the time period of 100 years form Nandi Acharya to Bhadrabahu Acharya. Complete list not in any sequence:
- Nandi/VishnuKumar (नन्दी/विष्णुकुमार )
- NandiMitr/NandiPutr (नन्दिमित्र, नन्दीपुत्र)
- Aprajit (अपराजित)
- GoVardhan (गोवर्धन)
- BhadraBahu (भद्रबाहु) - The last Shrut Kevali
- Eleven Munis: knowledge of 11 Ang + 10 Purv: After this, Dwadshang Shrut did-not remain in the form of 11 Angas and 14 Purvas. 11 Acharyas had the knowledge of 11 Angas and 10 Purvas in the time-period of 183 years. This list includes
- VishakhAcharya (विशाखाचार्य)
- ProshThilAcharya (प्रोष्ठिलाचार्य)
- Shatriya (क्षत्रिय)
- JaySen (जयसेन)
- NagSen (नागसेन)
- Sidhharth (सिद्धार्थ)
- DhrutiShen (धृतिषेण )
- Vijay (विजय)
- Buddhil (बुद्धिल)
- Gangdev (गंगदेव)
- DharmSen (धर्मसेन)
- Five Munis - knowledge of 11 Ang. After it, 5 Acharyas had the knowledge of 11 Angas (without the knowledge of Purvas) in the time-period of 220 years.
- NakShatra (नक्षत्र)
- JayPaal (जयपाल)
- PanduNaam (पांडुनाम)
- DruvSen (ध्रुवसेन)
- KansAcharya (कंसाचार्य )
- 4 Munis - knowledge of 1 Ang: After it, 4 Acharyas had the knowledge of only one Anga-Aacharang in the period of 118 years i.e. the knowledge of 10 Angas & 14 Purvas became extinct.
- Subhadra (सुभद्र)
- YashoBhadra (यशोभद्र)
- YashoBahu (यशोबाहु)
- LohAcharya (लोहाचार्य)
Similarly, in the lineage of the last Kevali Bhadrabahu Swami, there was Shri Gundhar Acharya. He had knowledge of some part of 5th Purva i.e. GyanPravad (ज्ञानप्रवाद), specifically the 3rd prabhrut in the 10th Vastu Adhikaar. Based on this knowledge, he wrote Kashayaprabhrut Granth (कषायप्राभृत).
Thus, a very minute part of the Dwadshang was, for the very first time, written in the forms of Kashayaprabhrut and Shatkhandagam Granthas.
Based on Shatkhandagam, many other Granths were created, including Dhaval (धवल), MahaDhaval (महाधवल), GommatSaar (गोम्मटसार), LabdhiSaar (लब्धिसार), ShrapnaSaar (क्षपणासार) . These are all considered to be part of the Pratham Shrut-Skandh (प्रथम श्रुतस्कंध). These describe the worldly state of the soul when the Jeev and Pudgal Karma exist together and so it describes the concepts like GunSthan, MargnaSthan etc. Since, it describes the Aatma/Jeev from Paryay perspective, the description here is based on Paryay-Arthic nay (पर्यायार्थिक नय), also called Ashudh-Dravya-Arthic (अशुद्ध द्रव्यार्थिक ) nay or Ashudh-Nishchay-nay (अशुद्ध निश्चय) or Vyavhaar (व्यवहार) nay.
Similarly, based on knowledge found in Kashayaprabhrut, granths like Pancha-Astikaay (पंचास्तिकाय), PravachanSaar (प्रवचनसार), SamaySaar (समयसार), NiyamSaar (नियमसार), AshtPahud (अष्टपाहुड़) etc. These are considered to be part of the Dvitiya Shrut-Skandh (द्वितीय श्रुतस्कंध). And these describe the Aatma/Jeev in its pure form i.e. from Shuddh-Dravya-Arthic (शुद्ध द्रव्यार्थिक) nay.
An excerpt from the Preface in Panchastikay.
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