
Showing posts from February, 2019

Shrut Gyan and Jain Acharya Lineage

In this post, I wish to document the lineage of Gyan from Mahaveer to some of the more recent Acharyas, and how the Gyan available in JinVani/Shastra/Granth from prominent Acharyas trace back to the Gyan imbibed from Mahaveer's DivyaDhwani. Most of the text below is copied with little modification from . This encyclopedia reference had good information which also matches the document available on this 2017 Shrut-Panchami pravachan by Pt. Sumat prakashji at . This wiki page also includes the names of various Acharya, albeit with a different time-reference - Jain Vangmaya (literature) is in the form of Dwadshang or twelve Angas or Organs (parts). Presently available four Anuyogas of Digambar Jain tradition are o...


द्वादशांग - Below is an excerpt from RatnaKarand Shravakachar (रत्नकरण्ड श्रावकाचार), chapter#6 where the various bhavnas (भावना) are described. This topic also describes the content of the Dwadshang. Dwadshang (द्वादशांग) / Ang-Pravisht (अंग प्रविष्ट) 1) Acha-rang (आचारांग) 2) Sutra-kru-tang (सूत्रकृतांग) 3) Stha-nang (स्थानांग) 4) Sam-va-yang (समवायांग) 5) Vya-khya-pra-gyap-ti (व्याख्याप्रज्ञप्ति) 6) Gya-tru-dharm-khatha-ang (ज्ञातृधर्मकथा अंग) 7) Upa-saka-dhyay-nang (उपासकाध्ययनंग) 8) Ant-krut-dash-ang (अंतकृतदशांग ) 9) Anut-trop-pad dashang (अनुत्तरोपपाद  दशांग) 10) Prashn-vya-karan-ang (प्रश्नव्याकरणांग) 11 Vi-paak-sutr-ang (विपाकसूत्रांग) 12 Dru-shti-vaad (दृष्टिवाद) - 5 divisions under DrushtiVaad 12a) Pari-karm (परिकर्म) - 5 sub-divisions of Parikarm 12a-1) Chandra-pra-gyap-ti (चंद्रप्रज्ञप्ति) 12a-2) Surya-pra-gyap-ti (सूर्यप्रज्ञप्ति) 12a-3) Jambu-dveep pra-gyap-ti (जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति) 12a-4) Dveep-sagar pra-gyap-ti (द्वीपसागर प्रज्ञप्...

MokshMarg Prakashak - potential blueprint

Here is the chart sourced from and depicting the various topics that were planned to be covered in MokshMarg Prakashak   (मोक्षमार्ग  प्रकाशक). It gives a very nice view of various terms that we come across while reading/learning and also puts them in the right context. Some of the highlights in the chart include 1) Reference to the three definitions of Samyak-Darshan 2) Under Samyak-Gyan, mention of Anekant-vaad, Syadvaad, the 4 Anuyogs as well as Praman & Nay. Further under Paroksh-Gyan, reference to Smrati, Pratya-bhi gyan, Tark, Anumaan and Agam. 3) The 12 vrats under Samyak-Charit which include the 5 Anu-vrats. 3 Gun-vrats and 4 Shiksha-vrats. These vrats should be adhered to by Jain-Shravaks 4) Under Shubh-Upyog, it covers the 28 mulguns that Jain Munis adhere to. These 28 mulguns include 5 Maha-vrats, 5 Samitis, 5 Indriya-vijay, 6 avashyaks and 7 shesh-guns.

Few terms on Sanwar

Below is a excerpt from RatnaKarand Kshravaskachar , (page#402, chapter#6). It talks about Sanwar (संवर). In the discussion, it distinguishes some of the common terms used to describe muni dharma, specifically, Gupti, Samiti, Dharm, Bhavna, Parishah and Charitra.


Here are links to some of the books on Jainism. MokshMarg Prakashak (मोक्षमार्ग  प्रकाशक) - Dharm Ke Das Lakshan (धर्म के दश लक्षण) -   Balbodh Pathmala (बालबोध पाठमाला) (Part 1) - English version - Balbodh Pathmala (बालबोध पाठमाला) (Part 2) - BalBodh Vivechika - (बालबोध विवेचिका) RatnaKaranda-Kshravakachar (रत्नकरण्ड श्रावकाचार) - Jain Tatva Parichay (जैन तत्त्व परिचय) by Dr. Ujwala Shah  -  https://drive....


Below is an excerpt from the book "Jain Bhugol" (Jain Cosmology) by Dr. Ujwala Shah. In this section, the author describes that, "Currently, there are 20 Tirthankaras in the Videh kshetra. Sometimes, there can be one Tirthankar in each of 160 Videh kshetra. And during the same time, there can be one Tirthankar in each of the 5 Bharat and 5 Eravat kshetras. In such a scenario, there can be 160 + 5 + 5 = 170 Tirthankaras in total during the same time (kaal). This happened during the time of "Ajitnath" Tirthankar.


Below is an excerpt from " Dharma Ke Das Lakshan ", by Dr. Humkumchand Bharill. This section is located on page 136-137 in the chapter about "Uttam Akin-chanya". The section describes the two kinds of parigrah. The 1st type - Abhyantar parigrah - are of 14 types and basically includes Mithyatav, 4 Kashay and 9 NoKashay. The 2nd type - Bahya parigrah - are of 10 types. In total, these are the 24 parigrah.

Kashay and No-Kashay

Another excerpt from "MokshaMarg Prakshak" (authored by  Pandit Todalmal ). This section describes Kashay and No-Kashay. 1) Kashay - Krodh, Maan, Maya, Lobh. Each of these 4 Kashay have 4 classifications: Anan-ta-nu-ban-dhi, A-prat-ya-khyan, Prat-ya-khyan, Sanj-va-lan. Thus, there are total of 16 Kashay. 2) NoKashay - Hasya, Rati, Arati, Shok, Bhay, Jugupsa, Stri-ved, Purush-ved, Napunsak-ved. These are the 9 NoKashay. In total, there are 16 Kashay + 9 NoKashay = 25 Kashay.

Three Categories of Karma

Below is an excerpt from "MokshaMarg Prakshak" (authored by Pandit Todalmal ). This section describes the three kinds of Karmas 1) Dravya-Karma 2) Bhav-Karma 3) No-Karma